Autobell® App Help
How to cancel your plan
We're sorry to see you go!
If you're sure you'd like to cancel your plan, here are a few easy steps:
1. Open your Autobell® App and tap the "Garage" icon on the bottom navigation bar.
2. Verify the App says "All Vehicles" in the top left corner. If not, tap the garage name and select "View All" at the top of the garage list.
3. Next, tap the vehicle you want to change (light blue bar will appear behind selected vehicle), and tap the vehicle again to proceed to the edit vehicle screen.
4. Next, tap "Cancel".
5. Select the reason you are cancelling, add any feedback you can offer so we can continue to improve our plans, and tap "Continue".
You will still have access to your UnlimitedSM plan benefits until the end of your current billing period and can rejoin at any time within the Autobell® app.