It’s time to celebrate and congratulate our 2021 scholarship recipients! Ninety-eight team members took home a scholarship this year, bringing our total awarded scholarships to just over 1.5 million since the program began. Autobell is proud to offer this program to team members and knows investing in your education will help you excel at work and in life.

We asked two of our top recipients to share how they felt about getting a scholarship in 2021.

“It means a lot to me to earn this scholarship. It feels good to know that my efforts do not go unnoticed. This scholarship will help me pay for school, which will help me earn a bachelor’s degree in animal science and potentially go to veterinary school. I want to add working at Autobell is good for a college student because the hours are flexible, and you earn money every time you work. Thank you again for selecting me as a top scholarship recipient.”

- Zack Brooks, #38, Greensboro, NC

“I am incredibly grateful to have been a recipient of the annual Autobell Scholarship for the past three years. Receiving this scholarship has allowed me to take courses abroad, pursue a minor study, and plan to continue my education in a master's degree program after graduation. Without the scholarship, I would not have been able to achieve any of these goals. Autobell's generous award each year has allowed me to spend more of my time studying and focusing on developing my future career rather than working to pay for tuition and student debt. Working at Autobell for the past four years has taught me so much. The sales skills and customer service skills I have developed are wonderful resume builders, and I have ample teamwork experience to speak about during interviews. I can honestly say that my manager, Darrell Tullar, has been an incredible mentor and has greatly influenced my decision to pursue a business degree. Autobell has taught me the value of hard work and determination in a way no college class could. I will forever be thankful to Autobell for the support and experience they have provided me with throughout my educational journey.”

- Abigail Gallup, #66, Charlotte, NC

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