Joshua Jacob from store #68 in Chesapeake, VA, has been around long enough to excel in our Holiday Sale. He managed to sell Super Polyprocess Wash tickets to 44.9% of the cars he rang up during our promo period, putting him in the first place!

We asked Joshua to share some insight into his success and best practices for new sellers.

“The first and most important thing with selling is always attitude. Confidence and a smile go further than anything else you can do. The next thing I would advise is to pitch to absolutely everyone. The Super Ride-Thru/Holiday Special combo was one of my favorite items from selling. And lastly, don’t get discouraged. You can’t let a few cars who won’t buy it ruin your entire day. Stay positive and always ask if they want one to stockpile or use as a last-minute stocking stuffer.”

Below are the top 50 sellers!

1 Top Holiday Seller Jan2021 436x442
2 Top Holiday Seller Jan2021 436x4422